Discipleship at Neill’s Creek Baptist Church

One of our main purposes at Neill’s Creek Baptist Church is making disciples who grow and flourish into mature followers of Jesus. These disciples are then equipped to make more disciples and fulfill Jesus’s command in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). This is primarily accomplished in our church through the Sunday School Ministry and Small Groups. We like to think of these as missional micro-groups within our larger congregation where people build relationships, share life together, and grow in their commitment to Jesus. Each class, or group, has a unique feel due to different teaching styles and personalities. Yet each provides ample opportunities for Christian fellowship both inside and outside the classroom. At the center of this is the study and application of the Bible. We believe the Bible is as real and relevant as ever. It is the key to faithfully following Jesus and experiencing victorious living. The discipleship ministry of our church helps us to belong, believe, and become the person Jesus desires us to be! All Sunday School classes meet at 9:45-10:40am on Sunday morning and small groups meet at various times throughout the week.

Sunday School for Youth and Children

We believe that a good faith foundation for children and youth begins with a solid understanding of the Bible. Our teachers work hard to craft lessons that are faithful to scripture and engaging for children. We have various age and grade level classes from kindergarten through middle school. Youth meet for Sunday School in the Family Life Center with Pastor Christian as they study and discuss topics that teenagers face in today’s world as they seek to be faithful to Christ. All Sunday School Classes meet from 9:45-10:40am. Our welcome team will greet you and be happy to help your child find their Sunday School Class.

Sunday School for Adults

We offer a variety of adult Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:40am. Some classes are made up of people from similar stages of life, while others have a wide range of ages. Some classes are co-ed while others are single gender men’s or women’s classes. Some classes emphasize fellowship and discussion, while others go deeper in Bible Study and application. Whatever you are looking for, there is a good Sunday School class at Neill’s Creek Baptist to meet your needs. Feel free to visit more than one class until you find the right fit. Our welcome team will greet you and be happy to help you find a Sunday School class on your first visit.

Wednesday Night Activities

Children’s Bible Study • 6:00pm

On Wednesday Nights at 6pm, our children meet for a snack supper and participate in an interactive Bible Lesson. Often lessons focus on the work of missionaries and the cultures they serve as they take the gospel of Jesus around the world.

Youth Bible Study • 6:00pm

Youth meet on Wednesday night in our Family Life Center Youth Room at 6pm for snacks, games, and a Bible Study led by Pastor Christian. These studies focus on real issues that teens face and encourage them with hope from God’s word.


Adult Prayer and Share • 6:00pm

Adults have the opportunity on Wednesday night to meet at 6pm for Prayer & Share time. As the name suggests, we share how God is at work in our lives and any meaningful things we have read from the Bible or our daily devotions over the past week. We then review the church prayer list and pray for the needs of our family of faith. This is a relaxed environment where we share openly, care for each other, and trust God in prayer.

Women of Purpose • 6:00pm

Adult women are invited to attend this Bible Study which meets on Wednesday nights at 6pm upstairs in our education wing. Women of all ages and stages of life gather here to encourage each other and to learn about the women of the Bible. This study group aims to build strong relationships between the women of our church, point them to their divine purpose in Christ, and equip them to be better wives, mothers, sisters, and servants of God.