About Neill’s Creek Baptist Church

Neill's Creek Baptist Church is a community of Christian believers committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and exists for the purpose of advancing God's kingdom through worshiping God, making disciples for Jesus Christ, and ministering to persons in need. For many years, we have been referred to as the “Light on the Hill” and that describes the relationship that we want to have with our community. It is our hope and prayer that everyone can look to us to shine the light of Jesus Christ to all those around us.

Our Mission

Neill’s Creek Baptist Church is a community of believers committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and exists for the purpose of worshipping God, making disciples, and ministering to people in need in Angier and beyond.


Our church is a family of faith that shares together in our collective and individual joys and sorrows, successes and struggles. At NCBC, we value relationships and believe we are better together. This is a church where you can be known and loved—both as you are and who God is growing you to become.


Our church is founded upon the belief that Jesus Christ is the only way unto salvation. He died a sacrificial atoning death on the cross (Jesus in my place) paying a sin debt that we each owed but were bankrupt to pay. Jesus suffered and fully died, but rose on the third day defeated sin, death, hell, and the grave. Through Jesus we have the promise of forgiveness of our sin, salvation, and eternal life in heaven.


Our church values commitment. Jesus didn’t call his disciples to be half-hearted or lukewarm. If the gospel is going to reach and change a lost and dying world, we must be ALL IN as his disciples. This requires our personal sacrifice and surrender to the cause of Christ.


Lordship of Jesus

Our church worships and follows Jesus as Lord. While we know that God ordains certain men and women for various roles of leadership and service in our church, scripture is clear that the church is the body of believers with Christ as the head. Either Jesus is Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.


Our church has a unique purpose to reach Angier and beyond with the gospel of Jesus. For us, that purpose means glorifying God through worshipping Jesus, making disciples for Jesus, and ministering to people in need with the love of Jesus. While we may have our own individual dreams and goals for our life on this Earth, none of those things are greater than the impact we can make together as the Church devoted to God’s mission and as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are passionate about our community being impacted by the love of Christ because Neill’s Creek Baptist Church is present here! Jesus promises that not even the gates of hell will prevail against His Church.

Our Core Values

We believe that our most important mission as a church is to glorify God and bring people to Christ. We believe that every professing Christian should truly be a follower of Jesus and not merely a fan. We believe that every Christian Disciple should be a catalyst for connecting others with Christ. Our role as the church is to do all we can to serve God through making more disciples and meeting the spiritual needs of others.

Our core values can be summed up in six words: Love, Grow, and Connect as we Worship, Walk, and Witness.



All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.Acts 2:44-45

At NCBC, we seek to live God-honoring lives founded on the love that Jesus has demonstrated toward us. We are able to live this kind of love, because Jesus first loved sinners like us.


They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayers.Acts 2:42

At NCBC we are devoted to growing daily in our relationship with Jesus in order to be better disciples and to glorify God as living witnesses of our faith. We must always be growing toward Christ-likeness.



Connect to the power of God

Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles.Acts 2:43

Connect by participation in our Church Family

Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people.Acts 2:46-47

Connect with your purpose in Christ through the Gospel Mission

So those who welcomed his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand persons were being added.Acts 2:41

And day by day, the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.Acts 2:47

At NCBC we connect lives to the power of God, connect to other disciples in a committed community of the local church, and connect ourselves to the mission of Jesus to seek and save sinners.



We believe that worship is a crucial part of a growing and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Each Sunday we worship by offering: 1) Our praise to God through songs that inspire our faith, 2) Our financial gifts that build the Church and advance the gospel both locally and globally, and 3) Our minds’ attention to study and apply God’s word as the Bible is read and preached. Worship helps to form our head, our heart, and our hands into a fully surrendered servant of Jesus. No disciple can grow and mature without a disciplined commitment to the worship of God both in their personal daily devotional time and in weekly opportunities for community with other believers.


We believe that each disciple who has professed Christ as Savior should also follow him as Lord, being rescued from the darkness of sin and brought into the marvelous light of Jesus’ grace and mercy. As a result, every Christian should reject sinful ways and intentionally pursue a life of Christ-likeness through spiritual disciplines of Bible reading/study, prayer, worship, and service within the local church. Let others see Jesus in you!



As we worship Jesus and daily walk/abide with him, we grow into mature disciples who are focused on making more disciples. As we go about our daily routines and rhythms, living an authentic Christian faith, we lead and influence those around us, drawing them nearer to Jesus. We believe this is the undeniable “Great Commission” of Jesus to his disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8. At NCBC, our witness for Jesus is accomplished through our individual living at home, work, school, and recreation. Our corporate witness is accomplished through cooperative efforts such as international mission trips, the Buddy Backpack ministry, the after-school tutoring ministry, partnership with the Angier Food Pantry, the ministry of the Angier Hope Website, and monthly neighborhood outreach events, just to name a few. As “The Light on the Hill”, we believe that God has uniquely prepared and positioned us to take the light of Jesus’ gospel from Harnett County to the ends of the earth. The benediction that we recite in unison every Sunday reminds us of this mission—”We are the Light on the Hill, We are the Light of the World!

What Do We Teach?

At Neill’s Creek Baptist, we believe that the Bible is the only authoritative source for our Christian belief and faith journey. We believe all scripture is God-breathed and practical for daily living. We have no doubt that the Bible is our faith book, that it contains eternal truth, and that it reveals God’s plan of salvation and reveals Jesus Christ, the “word made flesh”. We believe that the Old and New Testaments are “living and active” as they tell the story of God’s love for humanity. Finally, we believe that Jesus Christ is the “living word” and that all scripture must be interpreted through the person and work of Christ.

The Bible describes itself in this way:

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.Hebrews 4:12

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.Isaiah 40:8

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.2 Timothy 3:16-17

Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.Psalm 119:105

Our History

Neill’s Creek Baptist was founded when a circuit riding preacher stopped to share the gospel with three men who were hunting turkeys on the banks of Neill’s Creek in Harnett County, North Carolina. These humble beginnings in 1780 make Neill’s Creek Baptist one of the oldest existing Baptist Churches in Harnett County. Affectionately known as “The Light on the Hill,” the church has advanced God’s Kingdom through worship, discipleship, and ministering to people in need.

In 1882, NCBC was received into the newly formed Little River Baptist Association, where the congregation remains active. A brick building was constructed in 1938 and the old frame structure located along the banks of Neill’s Creek was sold. On two separate occasions the congregation rallied to rebuild after devastating fires (May 6, 1946 & May 23, 1984). In 1958, Rev. Jack Holt was called as the first full-time pastor and since that time NCBC has been blessed with many gifted pastors and staff leaders who helped the church to grow both in number and spiritual maturity.

In February 2011, the church called our current Pastor, Rev. Dr. Christopher Turner. Since that time, the church has grown numerically, spiritually, and financially. We are blessed to have thriving youth and children’s ministries, including an after-school tutoring program that helps some of our most at-risk elementary students in our local elementary schools. In the fall of 2013, NCBC engaged in a congregational coaching process that has greatly enhanced the church in outreach, community missions, and future visioning.

The sanctuary was renovated in the summer and fall of 2015 and was re-dedicated on December 6th , 2015. On Sunday November 10th , 2019 the construction committee presented a proposal for construction of a Family Life Center on the church campus which was dedicated on November 21, 2021 for the purpose of magnifying Jesus to our community. Neill’s Creek Baptist Church still believes that Jesus Christ is the only hope for the sinner and the only hope for our broken world. As such, it is our custom to dismiss from worship each week by reminding ourselves that, “We are the Light on the Hill and we are the Light of the World.” (Matthew 5:14)

Who we are affiliated with?

While we strongly believe in the autonomy of the local church, we partner with like-minded organizations to carry out missions and ministry both locally and globally.

The Baptist State Convention of NC

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of NC

The Little River Baptist Association

The Angier Area Minister’s Association (Angier Hope)